“We are heartbroken for the families that have suffered a devastating loss of life during yesterday’s deadly attack at a house of faith in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The hate-filled massacre took place in a synagogue during Shabbat—the busiest day for a congregation—taking the lives of innocents and shattering the hearts of their families, friends, and neighbors. In fellowship with our staff, our board members, and our own families, HIP condemns this horrific act of anti-Semitism and hatred in the strongest of terms. We call on the leaders of our nation and our communities to stand together to put an end to this climate of hatred, violence, and division. We also call on our leaders to stop the easy access to guns that allow hate to inflict damage on our communities.
There are moments and events so vile and dangerous to our nation’s future that we are required to address these issues as strongly and as clearly as possible. This is one of those moments.
At Hispanics in Philanthropy, we stand with our partners in condemning yet another violent act of bigotry and anti-Semitism that unfolded this past weekend. Our thoughts are with the families of those lost and those injured, including the police officers that risked their lives for their neighbors. This violence ended the lives of 11 people—ranging in age from 54 to 97.
What we watched unfold in Pittsburgh was not an isolated incident. It is part of a rising movement of hate; of white supremacy, anti-Semitism, anti-LGBTQ actions, growing xenophobia, criminalization of immigrants, marginalization of religious minorities, and sidelining of women’s rights.
In these defining moments, it is imperative that philanthropy come together to take a stand against the virus that is white supremacy and nationalism. We need to support those that are changing the dominant narrative and casting light on the multiple manifestations of white supremacy ideology. We must invest in movement building across issues, increased civic engagement for communities of color, and support relationship building across all communities threatened by violence.
As an organization that represents a multiracial, multiethnic, multi-religious, and transnational community, we reassert our commitment to work to defend all vulnerable communities; and to our vision for a unified, equitable America that remembers and lives our nation’s motto: e pluribus unum. Out of many, we are one.
Once again, we send our thoughts and prayers to victims of hate and gun violence—a sentiment that has become all too familiar. Their pain is our pain; we will mourn together. We can mourn today, but we will rise tomorrow because prayers, without action, go unanswered. Let us all recommit ourselves to working together to end this climate of hate and to hold our leaders accountable for their words and their actions.”
Ana Marie Argilagos
President & CEO, Hispanics in Philanthropy
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