
Privacy Policy

This policy was last updated on November 9, 2015. By using our Site, you accept this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Do not use our Site if you do not agree to any aspect of this policy or our Terms. This policy explains what information we may ask you to provide and how we may use and share that information. We will not use or share your information with anyone except as provided under this Privacy Policy.

What information do we collect?


If you create an account on our Site as an Account Administrator, you will be asked for your email address and to create a password. We will also ask you to provide certain personal information, such as your full name, email address, and the organization you represent. When you register your nonprofit organization as a Fundraiser and/or create a Campaign, we will ask you to provide information about your organization and its goals. To receive a grant once the Campaign ends, Fundraisers must also provide certain organizational and financial documents such as a list of current board members, budget, proof of tax-exempt status, and audited financial statement or tax report to help HIPGive finalize its due diligence process. For more information about the documents and information we collect from Fundraisers, please visit the “Fundraiser Verification & Conditions to Receive Funds” section of our Terms of Use. Account Administrators may also post on our Site information, images and other content about their Fundraisers and Campaigns.


All donations on our Site are processed by third-party payment processors, which will collect your full name, address, email address, donation amount and credit card information. For more about the information that payment processors  collect, please review its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. We at HIPGive will collect, directly or through payment processors , your name, email address, physical address, donation amount, and any message you choose to post on a Campaign or Fundraiser’s site. We will never see your credit card information, and payment processors will not share it with us under any circumstances. We may use “cookies” to track visitors to the site and may collect certain information, including IP addresses, for purposes including to detect fraud, anonymously analyze website traffic, and to make improvements to or fix problems with the Site.

How do we use your information?


We will use the information you provide to verify your identity and eligibility, to ensure compliance with our fundraising conditions, and for other purposes as required to operate the Site and provide our services. We may use your email address to communicate with you regarding your account and the services we provide you; inform you of changes to our services, Terms of Use, or Privacy Policy; and to respond to inquiries, requests or questions.  We may also send you promotional communications, such as updates and newsletters, about HIP. You may opt out of promotional communications by following the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of our promotional emails.  You agree that we may send you email correspondence necessary to provide you our services and operate the site, which may include subjects such as account administration; your Campaign and Fundraiser eligibility; fees; and the receipt, management and use of Campaign grants.  To opt out of those administrative communications, you must delete your account by emailing us at: The information you post to any public section of the Site, such as your Fundraiser or Campaign page, may be viewable by the general public and is governed by our Terms of Use. We may also use some of the Fundraiser information you provide us to highlight your organization and your Campaign on the Site, and to promote HIP and its activities in our promotional materials.


If you donate on our Site, the payment processors will use your information to process your transaction. payment processors may also store your name and email address to send you occasional communications. You may opt out of those communications. Please refer to payment processors  Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for more information. We will use your name and email address to send you a receipt for your charitable donation. We may also store your name, physical address and email address to send you promotional communications, such as updates and newsletters, about HIP. We also may (but are not required to) send you email to inform you of changes to our services, Terms of Use, or Privacy Policy, and to respond to inquiries, requests or questions. If you wish to stop receiving email from us, you may opt out by following the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any promotional message we send you. We will also share your name, email address, physical address and donation amount to the Fundraiser that received your donation so that they may thank you. The Fundraiser may also use your name and email address to send you promotional communications. You may opt out of those communications by either clicking the “unsubscribe” link in the Fundraiser’s email (if available) or emailing the Fundraiser directly. Unless you specify that you wish to give anonymously, we will display your name, donation amount and any message you voluntarily post on the Campaign page to which you donated. This information will be posted on sections of our Site that will be visible to the public. If you do not wish to publicly share your name and/or donation amount with users who view the Campaign page, you should select the “Anonymous” option during checkout. Please note that even if you choose the “Anonymous” option during checkout, HIP and the Fundraiser will still receive your name and email address.

If at the end of your donation you like to provide more demographic information, this will allow us to use the data aggregate to determine the growth and support of latino and latina contributors and better inform nonprofits about giving tendencies.

Google Analytics

We use a tool called “Google Analytics” to collect information about use of this site. Google Analytics collects information such as how often users visit this site, what pages they visit when they do so, and what other sites they used prior to coming to this site. We use the information we get from Google Analytics only to improve this site. Google Analytics collects only the IP address assigned to you on the date you visit this site, rather than your name or other identifying information. We do not combine the information collected through the use of Google Analytics with personally identifiable information. Although Google Analytics plants a permanent cookie on your web browser to identify you as a unique user the next time you visit this site, the cookie cannot be used by anyone but Google. Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to this site is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy. You can prevent Google Analytics from recognizing you on return visits to this site by disabling cookies on your browser.

Do we disclose any information to outside parties?

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information except as provided under this Privacy Policy. We may share your information with trusted third parties in order to fulfill services. We may retain other companies and individuals to perform certain functions on our behalf, including to: (i) administer HIP accounts, (ii) process donations, (iii) conduct surveys or promotional activities, (iv) deliver products, and (v) provide customer support, web hosting, internet service, and data analysis. Those third parties may be provided with access to needed information in order to perform their functions but may not use such information for any other purpose. In some cases, those third parties may use the information you provide us in order to communicate with you as needed to perform those functions. If you donate on our Site, we will share your name, physical address, email address, and donation amount with the Fundraiser that received your donation. We may be required to disclose your information to appropriate authorities in accordance with law, whether by subpoena or other legitimate request. We may also share your information if, in our business judgment, disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with the law; enforce our Site policies; or protect our, your or another’s rights, property, or personal safety. However, non-personally identifiable visitor information may be provided to other parties for marketing, advertising, analytics, or other purposes.

How do we protect your information?

We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of the personal information that you enter, submit, or access on our Site. We store all personal information on a secure server. All sensitive and/or payment information is transmitted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, encrypted, and made accessible only to parties that are authorized with special access rights and required to keep the information confidential. We have partnered with trusted third parties to provide certain functions necessary to operating the Site and offering our services. The payment processors may collect, access, store and process your personal information to the extent necessary to process payments and host, manage and operate the Site. Payment processors  are required to keep your personal information confidential and employ security measures to keep your information safe. Please see payment processors  privacy policies to learn more about how they keep your information secure.


We will promptly notify users if we learn that their personal information is compromised. Notwithstanding, we do not accept liability for any unintentional disclosure or a disclosure that occurs due to a security breach of our systems or facilities.

User Access and Choice

You may decline to submit personal information to us, in which case you may not be able to create an account or use certain services on our Site. If your personal information changes, you may correct, update, amend, remove, or ask to have it removed through your account settings, if you have an account, or else by contacting the email address listed below. If you no longer desire our service, you may deactivate or delete your account entirely by emailing us directly at We will respond to your request within 30 days. We will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services. We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

Third Party Links and Advertisements

Our Site may contain links to third-party websites, advertisements, products, or services. Those third parties have separate and independent privacy policies. This Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use do not apply your use of third-party sites, products or services. Your dealings with those third parties are solely between you and them. We do not own or control those third parties, and we assume no responsibility or liability for their content and activities. We encourage you to be aware of when you leave the Site, and to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of any third-party website or service that you visit. We do seek to protect the integrity of our Site, however, and we welcome any feedback about any third-party site, product or service accessible through our Site.

California Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

Because we value your privacy, we have taken the necessary precautions to comply with the California Online Privacy Protection Act. We therefore will not distribute your personal information to outside parties without your consent, whether granted expressly, or by accepting this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use by using our Site. Depending on how you use our Site and which of our services you use, we may collect one or more of the following:

Your first and last name

Your home or business address

Your email address

Your telephone number

Other information that may be used to identify you personally, such as your IP address and/or device identifier. We may also use “cookies,” web beacons and other, similar means to identify you when you visit our Site and monitor your activity on the Site.

We may also collect and maintain other information in personally identifiable form in combination with one or more of the personal identifiers described here, such as your donation amount and the Campaigns and Fundraisers to which you have contributed, if you are a Donor, and information about your organization and Campaign, if you are a Fundraiser or Account Administrator.

Our Site does not respond to “do not track” requests or other, similar mechanisms provided by your browser to control your choice regarding the collection of your personally identifiable information (“PII”). That said, HIP does not track you, whether or not your browser asks. That means we do not collect information in personally identifiable form over time and across third-party websites or online services, or use PII to track individual Users’ online activity outside of our Site. Users may change their information at any time through their account settings or by contacting us directly at the address or email address provided below. If you are a User between 13 and 17 years old, you may request removal of content you posted on our Site by emailing us at that clearly identifies the information you wish to remove and requests that we remove it. Please note that, while we will make every good-faith effort to remove your personal information from our Site, it may not be possible in some cases to remove every trace of your posted information.

Privacy Protection for Children

This Site is not directed to children under the age of 13. In compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, we do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from persons under the age of 13 through the Site or otherwise. If we later learn that any user is younger than 13, or that we have inadvertently received personally identifiable information from a user younger than 13 through the Site, we will take appropriate steps to remove that user’s information from the database and restrict that user’s access to the Site. Because we do not collect any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13 via the Site, we also do not knowingly distribute such information to third parties, and we do not condition the participation of a child under 13 in the Site’s online activities on providing personally identifiable information.

Online Privacy Policy Only

This online privacy policy applies only to information collected through our website and not to information collected offline.

Terms of Use

Please also visit our Terms of Use, which establish the conditions, disclaimers, and limitations of liability governing the use of our website.

Your Consent

By using our site, you consent to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page and update the Privacy Policy modification date at the bottom and top of this page. Please check this page periodically for changes to the policy. By continuing to use the Site after we post any changes, you agree to the revised Privacy Policy. If you register as a Fundraiser or Account Administrator, we will also make our best efforts to notify you of changes to this policy through your account and/or by email, as we consider appropriate. Each time you donate on our Site, we will ask you to review and agree to the most recent version of our Terms of Use and this Policy. You must these carefully each time you donate, as the Terms and Policies may have changed since your last donation.  Changes will not be retroactive, and we will make our best effort to inform you of changes to this Policy before they take effect. In some circumstances, however, certain changes, such as changes made for legal reasons, may take effect immediately.  If you disagree with any changes to our Privacy Policy, you should not continue using the Site.


We welcome your questions and comments about our Privacy Policy:

Hispanics in Philanthropy

Attn: Privacy Policy Manager

548 Market ST #60300

San Francisco, CA 94104

Telephone: (415) 837-0427

Effective as of November 9, 2015