Latinx/e Startup Hub Tour
Absolutamente Negro: Intentionality of Building Afro-Latinx Institutions
Colibrí Initiative: Transforming Philanthropy for Climate and Migration Justice
Joint Reception at CoF Conference
Our Migrant Souls: A Meditation on Race and the Meanings and Myths of ‘Latino’.
Mo’ Money, Mo’ Progress: Amplifying the Impact of Donors of Color
Mo’ Money, Mo’ Progress: Amplifying the Impact of Donors of Color
Activating your Inner Futurist: How We can Design the Future Quo
Using Radical Re-Imagination to Create a Vision for Our Future
Latinas Represent’s LISTA Workshops
Latinx Startup Hub Tour 2024
La Startup Casa: SXSW’s New Home for the Latinx/e Startup Ecosystem
Joint Open Letter: Lives Lost and the Unseen Who Strengthen Our Nation
CNN Español: HIP Construyendo Puentes para un Futuro Más Justo
Hispanic Executive: Latinas in Philanthropy: A Conversation with Felida Villarreal and Ana Marie Argilagos